higher MR. Pooranachandran et al. [9] explored the flushing of electrolytes in ECMM for machining nickel-based Inconel alloy and copper. The electrodes such as copper and brass are employed to machine the work material, and electrolyte flushing increases the removal of the passivation layer from the workpiece. Pan et al.[10] adopted the pressurized, hydrostatic electrolyte in ECMM to produce the micro dimples. This electrolyte enhances the uniform distribution of oxygen in the electrolyte resulting in uniform electrical conductivity. This type of electrolyte improves the accuracy of micro dimples. Baoji et al. [11] used magnetic field-assisted NaCl electrolyte and the stainless steel (SS) 304 material as the electrode to machining the copper. Along with this electrolyte, Iron-III chloride (FeCl 3 ) particles are mixed, and the concentration levels of the magnetic field in ECMM causes a notable improvement in machining performance. Vinothkumar et al. [12] attempted with oxalic acid electrolyte to study the process parameter of ECMM on SS 316L. The use of organic electrolytes like oxalic acid improves the life period of the machine. In addition, two times more MR is achieved by using the organic oxalic acid electrolyte. Rajan et al. [13] studied the ECMM process parameters with an induction heated NaNO 3 electrolyte for Al-7075 composite. The machining performances are measured in terms of MR, OC and delamination factors. The optimal parameter combination for higher MR and lower OC and DF is determined using the TOPSIS method. Thanigaivelan et al. [14] investi-
INTRODUCTIONCopper is an essential metal alloy used for various applications in electronic sectors, aerospace, biomedical, medical and automobiles industries. Due to its ductile nature and crystallographic microstructure, it is difficult to machining copper in the traditional method. The high spindle speed, tool edge accuracy, chip intervention between the tool and work, temperature rise due to the friction and formation of burrs are concerns that hinder the machining accuracy significantly [1-6].To overcome these non-contact, burr-free, no residual stress and high accuracy machining methods such as ECMM are preferred for the micro holes generation on the copper work material. Various research attempts were carried out in the past decade; Ao et al.[7] tried the ethylene glycol, and sodium chloride (NaCl) mixed water-free electrolyte with ECMM for shape memory alloy. The higher ethanol concentration reduces the oxide development over the machining surface. Soundarrajan et al. [8] tried the hydrochloric acid mixed NaNO 3 electrolyte in ECMM for Al-6063 composite. They compared the results among acidic electrolytes to the non acidified electrolyte and reported that faster ion displacement in the acidic electrolyte contributes to MATERIAL SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY