Performance of a Multi-Carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) syst,eiii using iterative detection over a fading chaniiel caii he improved by iiicorporat,ing a11 antenna army at, the base statio11 (BS). In this pa.per we propose a new MWIDhiA sj-stem with a BS aiit,eniia array t o coinhat, fading effects. ITe consider only the uplink and derive the frequency selec.tive MC:-CDMA chanlie1 model using a iiia,t,ris algebraic approa,ch. Due t o the liiiea,r iiarure of t,lie chnmiel we use a recently publislied t.echiiique t,liat, combines it,erat,ive decoding and interfereoce ca.iicellat,ioii l,o reduce thc multiuser interference present (MUI) iii the system. W e show that uiasimal ratio combining bogether with the iterabivr detect,ioii caii improve-the syst,em performarice significaiitly.