In sexually cannibalistic animals, the relative sizes of potential mates often predict the outcome of aggressive encounters. Mantidflies are spider egg predators as larvae and generalist predators as adults. Unlike most cannibalistic species, there is considerable individual variation in body size in both sexes. Using preserved collections of
Dicromantispa sayi
, we focused on three body size metrics that we found to be positively correlated and accurately measured across researchers. We found extreme size variation in both sexes: the largest 10% of females were 1.72× larger than the smallest 10%, and the largest 10% of males were 1.65× larger than the smallest 10%. On average, females were 7.94% larger than males. In exploring possible causes of this variation, we uncovered differences among populations. To explore the effect of spider egg sac size on adult mantidfly size, we reared mantidfly larvae on egg sacs from two jumping spider species with small or large egg sacs. Mantidfly larvae reared on small egg sacs were smaller than those reared on large egg sacs. This study provides the groundwork to design ecologically relevant experiments exploring the causes and consequences of extreme size variation in an understudied system with intriguing natural history.