Matromorphs or maternals are non-hybrid diploid offspring which originate entirely from the maternal parent and facilitate in obtaining instant homozygous lines from heterozygous base population thereby, shortening the time requirement of conventional breeding method for the production of homozygous lines. Per se performance of twelve advanced generations of matromorphs (Mat3) along with their ten parental lines were evaluated for growth, yield and screening against powdery mildew and rust disease under sub tropical conditions of Jammu & Kashmir under the present study. A field experiment was carried out during the year 2020-2021 at the Experimental farm, SKUASTChatha, Jammu. On the basis of overall findings of the present research study, it was concluded that Palam Triloki was the earliest with minimum days to 50% flowering (44.00) followed by three matromorphic progenies viz., Palam Triloki (46.33 days), Palam Triloki x P-89 (44.67 days) and Palam Triloki x AP-1 (46.83 days). Regarding plant height, maximum plant height was recorded in parental line Arka Apoorva (90 cm) followed by Arka Ajit (89.50 cm) and Arka Apoorva x AP-1 (Pl.1) (88.50 cm) and Arka Apoorva x AP-1(Pl.2) (88.30 cm) amongst Mat3 progenies were found to be superior. Among Mat3, maximum number of seeds per pod were recorded in Arka Apoorva X P-89 (7.83) followed by Arka Apoorva x AP-1[Pl.2] (6.77) and P-89 (7.18) and Arka Apoorva (6.34) among parents. Maximum number of pod per plant were recorded in matromorphic progenies, Arka Apoorva x P-89 (45.89) followed by Arka Apoorva x AP-1[Pl.2] (44.61), Arka Apoorva x AP-1[Pl.1] (41.83) and among parental lines, P-89 (41.28), Arka Apoorva (35.83) had maximum number of pod. Maximum pod yield per plant was recorded in Arka Apoorva x P-89 (200.38g) followed by Arka Apoorva x AP-1 [Pl.1] (184.37 g) in Mat3 whereas among parental lines maximum pod yield was recorded in P-89 (174.76g) and Arka Apoorva (145.72g). Based on the screening of genotypes under study, Arka Apoorva x P-89 (Mat3) was identified as highly resistant genotype against major pea diseases i.e. powdery mildew and rust.