The airside performance for herringbone fin-and-tube heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditions are reported in this study. A total of eighteen samples were tested and compared. The effects of the number of tube rows, fin pitch, tube size, and wave height were examined in this study. A unique characteristic of the herringbone fin pattern is that the friction factors are strongly related to the number of tube rows. The airside performance of the herringbone fin pattern is strongly related to condensate retention. Based on the present test results, heat transfer and friction correlations, in terms of the Colburn j and Fanning friction factors, were proposed to describe the airside performance of the herringbone fin geometry. The correlation of the Colburnj factor gives a mean deviation of 5.76%, while the Fanningffactor shows a mean deviation of 8.27%.On decrit dans cette etude la performance calorifique du cBte de I'air pour des echangeurs a ailettes en chevrons dans des conditions de deshumidification. Dix-huit echantillons au total ont ete testes et compares. On a examine dans cette etude les effets du nombre de rangees de tubes, de I'ecartement des ailettes, de la taille des tubes et de la hauteur des ondes. Une caracteristique unique du modele a ailettes en chevrons reside dans les facteurs de friction qui sont fortement relies au nombre de rangees de tubes. La performance calorifique du cBte de l'air du modele a ailettes en chevrons depend fortement de la retention de condensat. Les resultats de ces essais sont utilises dans de nouvelles correlations de transfert de chaleur et de friction utilisant les facteurs de friction j de Colburn et de Fanning, afin de decrire la performance calorifique du cBte de I'air de la geometrie a ailettes en chevrons. La correlation du facteur de Colburn j donne un ecart de 5,76% tandis que le facteur de Fanningfmontre un ecart moyen de 8,27%.Keywords: herringbone fin-and-tube heat exchanger, dehumidifying, extended heat exchangers are essential components in air F conditioning and refrigeration systems. Often, the application involves the condensation of humid air on the heat transfer surfaces when the surface temperature is below the corresponding dew point temperatures. Thus, simultaneous heat and mass transfer occurs during the dehumidifying process. The presence of water condensate makes the heat/mass transfer process even more complicated since it may bridge the fin spacing and deteriorate the heat transfer performance.In practical operation condition, the dominant resistance of the fin-and-tube heat exchangers is on the airside. Therefore, configured f i n patterns were often employed to effectively improve the overall performance of the fin-and-tube heat exchangers. Among the configured fin patterns, the wavy fin surface, as shown in Figure 1, is one of the most popular surfaces, since it can lengthen the airflow inside the heat exchanger and cause better mixing of the airflow. However, despite its popularity, the published works related to the w...