Abstract-We give a polar coding scheme that achieves the full admissible rate region in the Slepian-Wolf problem without time-sharing. The method is based on a source polarization result using monotone chain rule expansions.Index Terms-Monotone chain rules, polar codes, Slepian-Wolf problem, source polarization.
I. INTRODUCTIONConsider a memoryless source with generic variables (X, Y ) ∼ P X,Y where P X,Y is a fixed but arbitrary prob-. This paper considers the Slepian-Wolf problem for this source. As usual, the coding system consists of two encoders and one decoder. For a specified rate pair (R 1 , R 2 ), encoder 1 observes X N and encodes it into a codeword of length N R 1 bits; encoder 2 observes Y N and encodes it into a codeword of length N R 2 bits. The decoder observes the two codewords and is expected to recover (X N , Y N ) with small probability of error. The Slepian-Wolf result [1] states that this is possible if (R 1 , R 2 ) falls strictly inside the Slepian-Wolf rate region defined asThe subset of R SW consisting of points for which R x + R y = H(X, Y ) is referred to as the dominant face (of the rate region); and the points (R x , R y ) = (H(X), H(Y |X)) and (R x , R y ) = (H(X|Y ), H(Y )) are referred to as the corner points.Polar coding for the above Slepian-Wolf problem was first considered by Hussami et al [2] (see also Korada [3]) who showed that the corner points of R SW could be achieved by polar codes for the special case where P X and P Y are uniform on {0, 1}. In [4], this result was proved without any restrictions on P X and P Y . These results showed that polar codes could achieve the entire region R SW by time-sharing between two codes designed for the corner points.This paper is concerned with the question of whether polar codes can achieve R SW without aid from time-sharing. This question is motivated by the fact that there are random-coding methods, such as Cover's "binning" method [5], that do not require time-sharing to achieve R SW . Thus, the question is important for understanding the power of polar coding relative to other coding methods both as a proof method and also for practical applications.In fact, such questions on the relative power of polar coding first arose in the context of the multiple access channel (MAC), which is the dual of the Slepian-Wolf problem. In [6], Ş aşoglu