It is not the intention of this paper to give a complete coverage of all new radar and navigation systems, but to concentrate rather more on specific areas and examples where microwaves are used. Also, general coverage of the radar area is felt to be unnecessary following the invited paper given by R. Voles at Microwave 74, however recent advances in solid state microwave devices and integrated circuits have made possible some new types of radars with novel applications, particularly in the low power low price sector. After a reminder of some basic radar relationships examples are given, and future possibilities discussed. Aircraft navigation and landing systems are then considered, with emphasis on the various microwave landing systems currently being assessed for future ILS replacement. Ground and air-derived systems, mechanical and electrical scanning beams, Doppler scanning, and passive angle sensors are mentioned. Navigation on land and sea will also be covered, although non-microwave systems will only be mentioned in passing. Where possible, indications of unsolved problems will be given; in particular collision avoidance systems for road vehicles will be discussed.