A field experiment was conducted at Crop Research Centre of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture &Technology, Meerut (U.P.) during Rabi season of 2014-15 and 2015-16. To evaluate the effect of different tillage practices and irrigation scheduling in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under light textured soil of western Uttar Pradesh. Five tillage crop establishment methods, viz. zero tillage (ZT)-T 1 , reduced tillage (RT)-T 2 , rotavator tillage (ROT)-T 3 , furrow irrigated raised bed tillage (FIRB)-T 4 , conventional tillage (ZT)-T 5 , were kept in main plots and five irrigation scheduling viz. Irrigation at CRI-I 1 , CRI+50 mm CPE-I 2 , CRI+100 mm CPE-I 3 , CRI+150 mm CPE-I 4 and CRI+200 mm CPE-I 5 were allotted to sub-plots in a split-plot design and replicated thrice. The result showed that productive tiller's m -2 , number of grain spike -1 and test weight were significantly higher with wheat sown on wide raised beds than all other tillage practices except zero tillage plots. Similarly furrow irrigated raised beds increased the mean grain yield of wheat significantly over rest of the plots and grain yield increased by and 38.4% over I 1 and 6.4 % over I 4 irrigation schedule. Treatments under zero tillage (T 1 ) had about 3.4% higher average soil bulk density than T 4 plots and T 4 FIRB also recorded highest infiltration rate; reduced tillage, and FIRB recorded significantly lower soil penetration resistance as compared to zero and rotavator tillage treatments. The maximum gross income was significantly higher in wide raised beds plots. Similarly the highest mean net profit (Rs 45906 ha -1 ) with mean B: C ratio of 1.55 was recorded with the application of irrigations at CRI+100mm CPE in wheat crop. The results suggest that ZT with irrigations at CRI+100mm CPE and FIRB irrigations at CRI+50mm CPE were optimum and sustainable strategy to achieve higher yield and also to improve water productivity and profitability on light textured soil of western Uttar Pradesh.