Public transport accessibility is one of the solutions to dealing with traffic jams in Bali's tourism and urban areas. The government realizes this effort by providing Trans Metro Dewata services as part of the bus network. This study aims to determine the most dominant factor for the Trans Metro Dewata Bali Bus service. The method used is a quantitative method. The data comes from primary sources, such as load factor surveys and bus service quality. The bus service quality survey consists of two parts, namely, user characteristics and service factors. Characteristic data were analyzed using the chi-square independence test to determine the effect of characteristics on the intensity and purpose of the trip. Furthermore, a service quality survey is analyzed, looking for services with the highest percentage. The analysis results show that recent education, income, and employment affect the intensity and purpose of the trip. In the analysis of service quality, safety is the factor with the highest percentage of respondents' choice. The benefits of the study can be used to improve the Trans Metro Dewata Bus Management Service.
Aksesibilitas angkutan umum menjadi salah satu solusi menghadapi kemacetan di wilayah pariwisata dan perkotaan Bali. Usaha ini diwujudkan pemerintah melalui penyediaan jasa Trans Metro Dewata sebagai bagian dari teman bus. Tujuan kajian mengetahui faktor layanan Bus Trans Metro Dewata Bali paling dominan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan berasal dari data primer, berupa survei load faktor dan kualitas layanan bus. Survei kualitas layanan bus terdiri 2 bagian, yaitu karakteristik pengguna dan faktor layanan. Data karakteristik dianalisis menggunakan uji independensi chi-kuadrat, untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik terhadap intensitas dan tujuan perjalanan. Selanjutnya, survei kualitas layanan dianalisis mencari layanan dengan persentase tertinggi. Hasil analisis diketahui pendidikan terakhir, pendapatan, dan pekerjaan berpengaruh terhadap intensitas dan tujuan perjalanan. Pada analisis kualitas layanan, keselamatan merupakan faktor persentase tertinggi pilihan responden. Manfaat kajian dapat digunakan perbaikan layanan pengelola Bus Trans Metro Dewata.