Digital heritage interpretaion is oten untethered from tradiional museological techniques and environments. As museums and heritage sites explore the potenials of locaive technologies and ever more sophisicated content-triggering mechanisms for use outdoors, the kinds of quesions digital heritage researchers are able to explore have complexified. Researchers now find themselves in the realm of the immersive, the experienial, and the performaive. Working closely with their research paricipants, they navigate ambiguous terrain including the oten unpredictable affecive resonances that are the direct consequences of interacion.This aricle creates a dialogue between two case studies which, taken together, help to unpack some key methodological and ethical quesions emerging from these developments. Firstly, we introduce With New Eyes I See, an iinerant and immersive digital heritage encounter which collapsed boundaries between physical/digital, fact/ficion and past/present. Secondly, we detail Rock Art on Mobile Phones, a set of dialogic web apps that aimed to explore the potenial of mobile devices in delivering heritage interpretaion in the rural outdoors.Looking outward from these case studies, we reflect on how tradiional evaluaion frameworks are being stretched and strained given the kinds of quesions digital heritage researchers are now exploring. Drawing on vignetes from experience-oriented qualitaive studies with paricipants, we ariculate specific common evaluaive challenges related to the embodied, mulimodal and transmedial nature of the digital heritage experiences under invesigaion. In doing so, we make the case for reflexivity as a centraland more collaboraive feature of research design within this field going forward; paying atenion to, and advocaing, the reciprocal relaionship between researchers and the heritage experiences we study
CCS CONCEPTS:• Human-centered compuing~Ubiquitous and mobile compuing design and evaluaion methods • Human-centered compuing~Empirical studies in ubiquitous and mobile compuing • Human-centered compuing~Field studies • Human-centered compuing~HCI design and evaluaion methods • Applied compuing~Arts and humaniies
KEYWORDSOn-site and remotely sensed data collecion; storytelling and other forms of communicaion; mulimedia systems; Web-based and mobile technologies for CH, ICT technologies in support of creaing new cultural experiences or digital artefacts