“…Weighted genotype‐based methods are based on the weighting of extracted genotypes according to their posterior probabilities. These methods are allele frequency estimation based on an EM algorithm (De Silva, Hall, Rikkerink, McNeilage, & Fraser, ; Kalinowski & Taper, ), genetic diversity analysis, parentage analysis (Huang, Mi, Dunn, Wang, & Li, ; Kalinowski, Taper, & Marshall, ), kinship coefficient estimation (Loiselle, Sork, Nason, & Graham, ; Ritland, ; Weir, ), and pairwise relatedness coefficient estimation (Huang, Guo, et al, ; Huang, Ritland, et al, ; Huang et al, ). The effects of null alleles, negative amplification and self‐fertilization can be freely taken into account in most methods, which use the genotypic and phenotypic frequencies.…”