We summarize here current methods for the quantification of CBF using pulsed arterial spin labeling (ASL) methods. Several technical issues related to CBF quantitation are described briefly, including transit delay, signal from larger arteries, radio frequency (RF) slice profiles, magnetization transfer, tagging efficiency, and tagging geometry. Many pulsed tagging schemes have been devised, which differ in the type of tag or control pulses, and which have various advantages and disadvantages for quantitation. Several other modifications are also available that can be implemented as modules in an ASL pulse sequence, such as varying the wash-in time to estimate the transit delay. Velocity-selective ASL (VS-ASL) uses a new type of pulse labeling in which inflowing arterial spins are tagged based on their velocity rather than their spatial location. In principle, this technique may allow ASL measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF) that is insensitive to transit delays. IN PULSED arterial spin labeling (ASL) (1-3), a single radio frequency (RF) pulse or a train of RF pulses is applied to modify (or tag) the longitudinal magnetization of arterial blood proximal to the tissues of interest. The RF pulse or train of pulses must be short in duration compared to the T 1 of blood. After a period of time TI after the initiation of the RF tagging pulse, an image (the tag image) is acquired of the region of interest (ROI), which represents a mixture of the preexisting magnetization in the ROI and the magnetization of the tagged blood that has flowed into the ROI. In typical implementations, a second image (the control image) is acquired without modulation of the magnetization of inflowing arterial blood. The difference between tag and control images reflects the amount of tagged blood that has flowed into the ROI during the time interval TI and is closely related to cerebral blood flow (CBF).A simplified expression for the signal difference ⌬S between tag and control images in pulsed ASL is given bywhere ␣ is the tagging efficiency, M 0B is the MRI signal from a voxel full of arterial blood, is the temporal width of the bolus of blood that reaches the ROI, and T 1B is the T 1 of blood. In this expression, 2␣M 0B is the initial magnetization difference between tagged and control blood, the product CBF is the amount of tagged blood that flows into the ROI, and the exponential factor reflects T 1 relaxation of the tag. A feature of ASL that distinguishes it from other tracer techniques is the short lifetime of the tracer. The T 1 of blood is approximately 1300 msec at 1.5 T and is the time constant for the decay of the tag. This sets the required time scale for the ASL experiment and determines many of the important properties of ASL. The ASL experiment is a race between the decay of the tag and the delivery of tagged blood to the ROI.
QUANTITATION ISSUESSeveral potential sources of systematic errors can affect the quantitation of CBF and are summarized here. Many of the pulsed ASL techniques listed in the next section are aime...