The half-life and the magnetic moment were measured for the first excited state in 132 I, of which the inconsistent results on the half-life have been reported by several other groups. This time, measurements were performed on 132 I obtained as a decay product of a 132 Te radioactive beam from the ion guide at Tohoku University. The half-life of this level was determined to be T 1/2 = 1.120 ± 0.015 ns using a conventional coincidence technique with a pair of BaF 2 detectors. The time-differential perturbed angular correlation technique was successfully applied to the first excited state in 132 I implanted into nickel foils. The magnetic moment of this state was determined to be µ = +(2.06 ± 0.18)µ N . The present results are consistent with values reported by Gorodetzky et al. and Singh et al.