lo ir°-s. V VT^i •j^v r^ -0.0 10.0 TIME (sec) 20.0 30.0 40.0 ol § DAMPING 0.100 0 o il ).0 TIME (sec ... / ( 1 0 i£_. TO ,_._. 0.0 20.0 30.0 4 Fig. 4 System poles 4-input/l-output sensor X\ (18th-order lattice).algorithm, the two closely spaced modes can be progressively distinguished. Extraneous poles due to noise and/or nonlinearities are recognized by their erratic nature; whereas genuine system poles behave consistently.
Multi-Input SystemFor the multi-input time-invariant case, data are recorded while all four actuators are simultaneously excited. The input sequences are digital white noise bandlimited between 0.25 and 2 Hz sampled at 12.5 Hz in order to excite the low-frequency dynamics of the structure. The system poles are successively extracted for 4-input/l-output and 4-input/4-output configurations.Sensor X\ data are run through an 18th-order 4-input/ 1-output lattice filter. The resulting modal frequencies and damping ratios for sensor X\ are shown in Fig. 4: one mode at 0.97 Hz with 0.09 damping and another mode at 0.68 Hz with 0.06 damping. Similar results, not shown, are obtained by running sensor Y\ data through an 18th-order 4-input/l-output lattice filter: one mode at 0.97 Hz with 0.09 damping and one at 0.68 Hz with 0.09 damping. Structural analysis of the truss shows one torsional mode and two lateral modes, one along X and one along Y. Thus, sensor X\ sees the torsional and X-lateral modes, and sensor Y\ the torsional and Ylateral modes. From the results, it can be deduced that the 0.97-Hz mode is the torsional mode since the damping is the same on both X\ and Y\ 9 whereas the two lateral modes are at 0.68 Hz as proved by the difference in damping ratios. Previous single-input identification testing with lattice filters had not clearly revealed the existence of two modes at the same frequency. With a single actuator exciting the structure, the torsional and only one of the lateral modes are significantly excited (see Ref. 4 for results pertaining to this case). The multi-input excitation provides a richer picture of the system's dynamics.The MIMO data are run through an 18th-order 4-input/ 4-output lattice. All sensors X\, X 2 , Y { , and Y 2 are constrained to see the same dynamics. The outcome is a 0.97-Hz mode with 0.09 damping and a 0.68-Hz mode with 0.07 damping. The lattice filter has merged the two lateral modes into a single mode because it is not configured to separate X dynamics from Y-dynamics. To ensure that both lateral modes are distinguished, the lattice should be set up so that X sensors t£if X 2 ) and Y sensors (Y l9 Y 2 ) observe different dynamics, in which case the a, would be 2 x 2 matrices.
ConclusionThe vector-channel lattice filter was used to identify the truss experiment's modal frequencies and damping ratios for two important cases: a time-varying system with order change and a multi-input system configuration. The time-varying test was special in that the variation in parameters was significant as well as sudden, but, more importantly, the effective order of the s...