Let (A, m) be a commutative complete equicharacteristic Gorenstein isolated singularity of dimension d with k = A/m algebraically closed. Let Γ(A) be the AR (Auslander-Reiten) quiver of A. Let P be a property of maximal Cohen-Macaulay A-modules. We show that some naturally defined properties P define a union of connected components of Γ(A). So in this case if there is a maximal Cohen-Macaulay module satisfying P and if A is not of finite representation type then there exists a family {Mn} n≥1 of maximal Cohen-Macaulay indecomposable modules satisfying P with multiplicity e(Mn) > n. Let Γ(A) be the stable quiver. We show that there are many symmetries in Γ(A). Furthermore Γ(A) is isomorphic to its reverse graph. As an application we show that if (A, m) is a two dimensional Gorenstein isolated singularity with multiplicity e(A) ≥ 3 then for all n ≥ 1 there exists an indecomposable self-dual maximal Cohen-Macaulay A-module of rank n.