Nonlinear interactions between flute-type turbulence and an externally excited convective cell in a strongly magnetized plasma are investigated. During the interaction the azimuthal-mode-number spectrum of the turbulence is deformed and a broad spectrum evolves, indicating an inverse cascade. As a result of a modification in phase and amplitude of the fluctuations, an organized structure is created in the turbulence. The macroscopic behavior is well explained by a Van der Pol-type equation.PACS numbers: 52.35. Mw, 52.35.Fp, 52.35.Ra The self-organization process in turbulent and linearly unstable systems is one of the most interesting and important phenomena in nonlinear plasma dynamics as well as in fluid dynamics. 1 It has been demonstrated for two-dimensional flows, for instance, that the situation consisting of very many vortices is deformed through a coalescence of these vortices to create ultimately a large-scale structure, indicating an inverse cascade in the turbulence. 2 In distinction from these spontaneous organizations, we here report a forced organization of turbulence in a plasma, accompanied by an inverse cascade. This process is the result of a nonlinear interaction between spontaneously generated turbulence and an externally excited convective cell. 3,4 The experiment is carried out in a linear machine, 3,5 where a plasma is produced by surface ionization of cesium on a hot tantalum plate of 3 cm diam. The plasma column is confined by an axial magnetic field Bo («0.35 T). Typical parameters are as follows: central plasma density /in~ 10 9 cm ~3, and temperatures T e « T t -0.2 eV. Outside the central plasma column, a residual or scrapeoff plasma layer exists with the same temperature but a reduced plasma density. 5 A convective cell is excited by our applying a positive square-wave pulse of 20-jUS duration to an 8-mm-diam disk which is placed in the residual plasma outside the main plasma column. The repetition rate of the pulses is 50 Hz. Between the pulses the bias of the disk is equal to that of the cold end plate (-15 V).In the residual plasma, fluctuations always appear, which show many features of a flute-type instability. 6,7 The driving mechanism for the instability which gives rise to these oscillations was identified as the azimuthal Kelvin-Helmholtz, or velocity shear, instability; see Ref.6. Fluctuations in floating potential were measured by two probes with exposed spherical platinum tips of 1 mm diam. 3,4 High-input impedance amplifiers (100 Mft) with bandwidth 300 kHz were placed in the intermediate vicinity of the probes. Probes and detecting circuits were tested by measurements of grid-excited ion acoustic waves. 3 Figure 1(a) shows a typical frequency spectrum of the potential fluctuations. We find that the fluctua-tion around /o == 5.2 kHz is associated with an m=2 azimuthal mode number and propagates approximately with the local EoXBn velocity, where Eo is the radial electric field at the plasma edge. This result was explicitly confirmed by the measurement of Eo. By changin...