Multiferroics permit the magnetic control of the electric polarization and the electric control of the magnetization. These static magnetoelectric (ME) effects are of enormous interest: The ability to read and write a magnetic state current-free by an electric voltage would provide a huge technological advantage. Dynamic or optical ME effects are equally interesting, because they give rise to unidirectional light propagation as recently observed in low-temperature multiferroics. This phenomenon, if realized at room temperature, would allow the development of optical diodes which transmit unpolarized light in one, but not in the opposite, direction. Here, we report strong unidirectional transmission in the room-temperature multiferroic BiFeO 3 over the gigahertz-terahertz frequency range. The supporting theory attributes the observed unidirectional transmission to the spin-current-driven dynamic ME effect. These findings are an important step toward the realization of optical diodes, supplemented by the ability to switch the transmission direction with a magnetic or electric field. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.127203 PACS numbers: 75.85.+t, 75.50.-y, 76.50.+g BiFeO 3 is by far the most studied compound in the populous family of multiferroic and magnetoelectric (ME) materials [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. While experimental studies have already reported about the first realizations of the ME memory function using BiFeO 3 -based devices [6][7][8][9], the origin of the ME effect is still under debate due to the complexity of the material. Because of the low symmetry of iron sites and iron-iron bonds, the magnetic ordering can induce local polarization via each of the three canonical terms [10]-the spin-current, exchange-striction, and single-ion mechanisms. While the spin-current term has been identified as the leading contribution to the magnetically induced ferroelectric polarization in various studies [5,11,12], the spin-driven atomic displacements [13] and the electrically induced shift of the spin-wave (magnon) resonances [14] were interpreted based on the exchange-striction and single-ion mechanisms, respectively.In the magnetically ordered phase below T N ¼ 640 K, BiFeO 3 possesses an exceptionally large spin-driven polarization [13], if not the largest among all known multiferroic materials. Nevertheless, its systematic study has long been hindered by the huge lattice ferroelectric polarization (P 0 ) developing along one of the cubic h111i directions at T C ¼ 1100 K and by the lack of single-domain ferroelectric crystals. Owing to the coupling between P 0 and the spindriven polarization, in zero magnetic field they both point along the same [111] axis. A recent systematic study of the static ME effect revealed additional spin-driven polarization orthogonal to the [111] axis [12].The optical ME effect of the magnon modes in multiferroics, which gives rise to the unidirectional transmission in the gigahertz-terahertz frequency range, has recently become a hot topic in materials science [15][16][17][18][19]...