Preparedness efforts for a COVID-19 outbreak required redesign and implementation of a perioperative workflow for the management of obstetric patients. In this report we describe the rapid cycle implementation of a comprehensive perioperative checklist for care of the COVID-19 parturient and a retrospective analysis of the factors which influenced implementation success.
A newly designed workflow for COVID-19 parturients requiring perioperative care was produced as a checklist, intended for use as a cognitive aid. Implementation and refinement of the workflow was accomplished through rapid-cycling, debriefing and on-site walkthroughs. Retrospective evaluation of the implementation experience was performed using a group deliberation approach, mapped against the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR).
Post-implementation, consistent use of the workflow was reported for all obstetric COVID-19 perioperative cases (100% compliance). Evaluation of our implementation using CFIR revealed domains of process implementation and innovation characteristics as overwhelming facilitators for success. Constructs within the outer setting, inner setting and characteristic of individuals (external pressures, baseline culture, and personal attributes) were felt to act as barriers. Constructs such as communication, shifted in influence over time.
We describe the implementation of a comprehensive obstetric workflow checklist for care of the COVID-19 perioperative patient. A retrospective evaluation of our implementation experience was possible using CFIR, which enabled identification of barriers and facilitators for change within our unit. Furthermore, we observed that implementation success was possible, despite facilitation being perceived within only two domains at baseline. Emerging themes from this study highlight the importance of thoughtful innovation design, careful implementation planning and the establishment of a long-standing culture of improvement, in order to facilitate implementation of change during a time of crisis.