Obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m 2 , is a significant public health concern worldwide. In the United States and Turkey, more than 35% of the adults are obese (1-3). Obesity is a serious medical condition associated with several comorbidities including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, digestive, locomotor and respiratory disorders, cancers S Su um mm ma ar ry y o of f B Ba ar ri ia at tr ri ic c S Su ur rg ge er ry y G Gu ui id de el li in ne e o of f t th he e S So oc ci ie et ty y o of f E En nd do oc cr ri in no ol lo og gy y a an nd d M Me et ta ab bo ol li is sm m o of f T Tu ur rk ke ey y T Tü ür rk ki iy ye e E En nd do ok kr ri in no ol lo oj ji i v ve e M Me et ta ab bo ol li iz zm ma a D De er rn ne eğ ği i B Ba ar ri ia at tr ri ik k C Ce er rr ra ah hi i K Kı ıl la av vu uz zu u Ö Öz ze et ti i Obesity is a common condition affecting approximately one-third of the adult population worldwide. Obesity results in a number of medical, psychosocial and economical problems, in many patients, it is usually difcult to achieve the desired weight loss with medical therapies, several surgical approaches for weight loss have been developed in the recent years and are described as bariatric or metabolic surgery. Though bariatric surgery promotes dramatic and reliable improvement in obesity and related complications, yet proper patient selection and careful selection of the bariatric method along with good pre-and post-operative management is very important for a successful therapy. Therefore, the authors aim to present a short review on the Bariatric Surgery Guideline of the Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey. The indications and contraindications for bariatric surgery, description of commonly used bariatric surgical methods, preoperative preparation of obese patients prior to the surgery, early and late postoperative management and follow-up of the patients have been summarized in this review. This review has been written in accordance with the opinions and recommendations of the Hypertension, Lipid Metabolism and Obesity Study Group of the Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey. Keywords: Obesity; bariatric surgery; metabolic surgery; indications; contraindications; preoperative evaluation; postoperative following Obezite, dünyadaki yetişkin nüfusun yaklaşık üçte birini etkileyen yaygın bir hastalık olup pek çok tıbbi, psikososyal ve ekonomik problemlere neden olmaktadır. Birçok hastada tıbbi tedaviler ile istenilen kilo kaybının sağlanamaması nedeniyle obezitenin tedavisi için günümüzde çeşitli cerrahi yaklaşımlar geliştirilmiş olup bunlar bariyatrik veya metabolik cerrahi olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bariyatrik cerrahi sonuçları, obezite ve ilgili komplikasyonlarda çar-pıcı ve uzun süreli iyileşmeyi desteklese de, uygun hastanın ve bariyatrik yöntemin seçimi, ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası değerlendirme ile takip, bariyatrik cerrahinin başarısı için çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle, Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği Bariyatrik Cerrahi Kı...