Individualized tumour therapy was the leading theme of this year's ASCO. In this context Her2Neu testing could detect a subgroup of patients suff ering from advanced gastric cancer who showed substantial benefi t from the addition of trastuzumab to standard chemotherapy. Th is fi rst phase III trial with a biological agent is the beginning of individualized tumour therapy in gastric cancer. Th ese data will be discussed together with other abstracts from ASCO 2009 and set into context with current therapeutic strategies.
Adjuvant, perioperative and neoadjuvant therapyTwo recent trials favour pre-and perioperative chemotheray in operable gastric adenocarcinoma [1,2]. A third Swiss randomized trial was closed early due to slow recruitment.Although not conclusive as far as the primary endpoint is concerned, this trial confi rms the problems of postoperative chemotherapy in gastric cancer. At this year's ASCO meeting the 4th randomized trial investigating neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by D2 resection versus surgery alone was presented [3]. Unfortunately this trial has also been stopped early due to low accrual. Of the planned 360 patients only 144 have been randomized to receive two cycles of preoperative chemotherapy with 5FU, leucovorin and cisplatin followed by surgery or surgery alone. Due to the low power and the excellent median survival of over 36 months in both arms the overall survival (HR 0.84, p = 0.466) and the time to progression (HR 0.66; p = 0.065) were not signifi cantly diff erent. Th e rate of R0 resection, however, diff ered with 81.9% in the experimental arm and 66.7% in the control arm (p = 0.036). Toxicity was higher in the chemotherapy arm as would be expected. Periand postoperative complications, however, were not much diff erent. In summary, although not signifi cant for the primary endpoint this trial stands in line with the three other neoadjuvant trials and supports the use of preoperative chemotherapy in operable gastric adenocarcinoma or adenocarcinoma of the gastro oesophageal junction [4].A second option is postoperative adjuvant radiochemotherapy as shown by the intergroup trial 0116 [5]. Macdonald reported this year the updated data [6]. With a median followup time of over 10 years the overall survival (HR 1.32, p = 0.004) and the DFS (HR 1.51, p < 0.001) are still favouring postoperative radiochemotherapy over surgery alone. Th e subgroup analysis showed an eff ect in every subgroup except cases of diff use histology. Th e toxicity of this approach is high and postoperative therapy is diffi cult to apply in most patients after gastric surgery. Th erefore this approach is not a generally accepted standard.
Palliative therapyEric van Cutsem presented the data of the ToGA trial [7]. In this large phase III trial 3807 chemo naïve patients with inoperable gastric cancer were screened for Her2Neu overexpression. A total of 22.1% were Her2 positive as by immunohistochemistry (3+) or FISH. Of these patients 595 were randomized to receive Chemotherapy with 5FU or Capecitabine plus Cispla...