Coronary stenting is an effective treatment for reopening atherosclerotic occlusions of coronary arteries. Depending on the manifestation of coronary artery disease (stable CAD or acute coronary syndrome) and on the type of implanted stent, dual antiplatelet therapy is recommended for a period of 4 weeks to 12 months. In this period total joint replacement is associated with high blood loss and high perioperative morbidity. Therefore antiplatelet therapy is often discontinued and replaced by higher dosages of heparin for prophylactic anticoagulation. However, with this treatment regimen protection of the stent is doubtful and there is a high risk of stent thrombosis with myocardial infarction. The surgery should be scheduled after the dual antiplatelet therapy is replaced by lifelong aspirin therapy. On the other hand, if surgery cannot be postponed perioperative bridging of dual antiplatelet therapy can be conducted to minimize bleeding complications with the best possible stent protection. Lifelong therapy with aspirin should not be discontinued in any case.