“…To characterize PlGF expression, double immunofluorescenct stainings for PlGF (sc-27134; 1:50; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, Taylor and Goldenberg, 2007) and NF-H (MAB5448/clone TA51; 1:500; Millipore, De Girolamo et al, 2000) for axons, Neu-N (MAB377/ clone A60; 1:250; Millipore, Borsani et al, 2010) for neuronal cell nuclei, S100 (ZO311; 1/200; DakoCytomation, Gould et al, 1986) for quiescent SCs, p75NGFr (AB1554; 1/200; Millipore, Runyan and Phelps, 2009) for proliferating SCs, von Willebrand factor (vWF; AB6994; 1/2000; Abcam, Yin et al, 2010) for endothelial cells, patched-1 (Ptc-1; sc-9016/H-267; 1/50; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Chen et al, 2007) for fibroblasts, CD11b (MCA74; 1/250; Serotec, Springer et al, 1979) for macrophages, P0 (AB9352; 1/50; Millipore) for peripheral myelin, were performed. After drying, tissue sections were fixed in cold acetone for 10 min at 4°C.…”