Peritoneal dialysis has been widely studied and applied for kidney disease because of its low cost and easy operation. Given the development of chronic kidney disease worldwide, peritoneal dialysis has attracted more and more attention. At the same time, with the development and popularization of mobile network technology, mobile telematics has begun to become a mainstream trend. By integrating the experience of clinicians, the remote diagnosis and treatment system of the peritoneal dialysis developed by Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital can monitor the entire peritoneal dialysis data of patients. The peritoneal dialysis data were analyzed by statistical methods. In this paper, we designed a data acquisition device with Bluetooth transmission protocol and a user APP to collect peritoneal dialysis data from experimental patients, and built a regression model based on the least square principle according to the clinical data of real patients. Through the model, abnormal or discrete points can be identified in real time. In clinical practice, by analyzing the possible medical risks and adverse events of patients according to the abnormal points, we realize the function of prediction and early reminding. The system indicates the results to patients according to the confidence interval of regression prediction, which greatly strengthens the interaction of the system and improves patient compliance.