Education, as a fundamental right, fulfills an important function for social advancement, especially for those populations that for various reasons of inequity are identified as vulnerable. This article synthesizes the results of research carried out on an Afro-descendant group of students that develops various activities (cinema-forums, celebration of Afro-Colombian Day, among others) to generate well-being and ethnic identity to the same students of the Santiago de Cali University in Colombia, with the aim of demonstrating the role that these organizations play in social inclusion in higher education. The study is descriptive. The methodology used is predominantly qualitative, although quantitative instruments are used; where, through surveys of the Afro-descendant student population and a collective interview with the members of the Center for Afro-Colombian Studies, it is possible to determine the importance that the organization has had for them in their university lives. It is concluded that Afro-descendant student organizations can make important contributions in the construction of an inclusive education, given the important role that they fulfill as protectors and generators of social relations for discriminated people..