The present investigation was conducted to demonstrate laminin and alpha smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA) in the testis and epididymis of adult chickens, Sudani ducks, pigeons, and rabbits. This study may represent the first indication for the presence of laminin in the male reproductive organs of birds and rabbits and might therefore serve as a milestone for further reports. In the testis of chicken, Sudani duck, pigeon, and rabbit, the laminin was localized in the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubules and of the peritubular myoid cells, in the testicular capsule and to a small extent in the vicinity of Leydig cells. The testicular vasculature also exhibited intense laminin immunostaining. Weak laminin staining was additionally seen in the cytoplasm of the duck Sertoli cells. In the epididymis, the basal lamina of the epididymal epithelium showed a distinctly positive reaction in all birds and rabbit. The basal lamina of the periductal myoid cells also showed a positive reaction. In the interductal tissue, laminin immunostaining was particularly observed in chicken, duck and pigeon. Laminin positive reaction was also seen in the epididymal vasculatures of all birds and rabbit. Interestingly, weak to moderate laminin staining was observed in the apical surface of the ciliated cells of the proximal and distal efferent ductules in chicken, duck and pigeon. alphaSMA positive reaction was seen in the testicular capsule and in the peritubular myoid cells of all birds and rabbit. In the testicular capsule, alphaSMA staining was either observed in the inner portion (chicken) or throughout the tunica albuginea (Sudani duck and pigeon), or in the outer aspect (rabbit). Distinct alphaSMA reaction was additionally observed in the testicular vasculature. In the epididymis of all birds and rabbit, the alphaSMA was particularly seen in the periductal and interductal myoid cells as well as in the epididymal vasculatures. No alphaSMA specific staining was however detected in the epididymal epithelium, fibrous lamina propria, and luminal spermatozoa of all birds and rabbits. In conclusion, the distribution of laminin and alphaSMA in the testis and epididymis might point out to their roles in the male reproduction.