The loss of circulation is an extremely unhealthy phenomenon for drilling, as the liquid solution leaving in the reservoir often leaves the entire drilled breed in the borehole and, in most cases, all the large particles in the solution itself. The settling masses are compacted and can create around the drill tool dense shell and also cause so-called clamp tool-a phenomenon when to remove the drill pipe poses great difficulties. The methods devise in the current research for loss of circulation or eliminated are a reduction of mud density until its hydrostatic pressure becomes equal to the reservoir and Pumping Mudpack with a high concentration of clogging additives in the absorption zone. In addition, the clogging materials to combat the loss of circulation can be used as additives in circulating drilling mud in the drilling of sediment prone to absorption. For the control of absorption, it is possible to use saw dust, flaky and granulated materials or a mixture of all three [1-6]. The flaky materials include cellophane, mica, the husk of sunflower seeds cotton, nut shells. The granulated materials include grinding rubber or asbestos, asphalt. This method differs from other methods in that in order to prevent the loss of the drilling solution to the composition of the chemical compound can be improved by increasing the agent's viscosity in cracks or pores clogging. A series of experiments was conducted to determine the optimal viscosity of the agent, consisting of urea formaldehyde with ammonium sulfate and bentonite. Ammonium sulfate is added to urea formaldehyde in the ratio of 1/5. In a series of experiments, the ratio of chemicals was increased properly. Measurement of solution viscosity was performed by rheometer up to 500MPa. Since there are errors in Rheometer after 500MPA, the measurement of viscosity began by hand with the help of 200ml of the test tube, weights and steel ball. The obtained results satisfied the requirement for the loss of the chemical of drilling mud. Thus, on the basis of the experiments, it was found that to prevent the loss of the drilling solution to improve the composition of the chemical compound by increasing the viscosity of the agent. This will save the amount of mud and expensive additives save time for drilling and prevent clogging of potentially productive drilling areas.