Ross STEWART and K I Y~T A K A OYAMA. Can. J. Chem. 52,3884 (1974). The kinetics of the oxidation of 6,7,8-trin1ethyllunlazine, 1, by permanganate in aqueous solution is examined. The pH-rate plot shows a minimum at p H 3.5 and there is catalysis by buffers. Above p H 3.5 the 7-keto compound, 5, is produced by a general base catalyzed route the rate of which is identical to that of the reaction that causes exchange at the 7-methyl group. The kinetic isotope effect for oxidation of the 7-CD, compound is 6.89 at 31.4".Below p H 3.5 scission of the pyrazine ring occurs, there is a small isotope effect, and the rate is somewhat faster than that observed for exchange of the 7-methyl group. There appear to be three route3 leading to product; one, a permanganate-independent reaction catalyzed by general acids, a second which is also permanganate independent and involves hydration of the substrate, and a third which is permanganate dependent and involves attack by permanganate on the conjugate acid of the substrate.The utility of oxidation as a means of locating hydration sites in heterocyclic compounds is discussed and some comments are made on the mechanism of the enzymic oxidation of the ribityl analog of 1. Chem. 52,3884(1974). On a examine la cinetique de I'oxydation du trimethyl-6,7,8 lumazine, 1, par le permanganate en solution aqueuse. La relation entre la vitesse et le p H montre un minimum a un p H 3.5 et il y a catalyse par les tampons. Au-dessus du p H 3.5, il y a formation du compose cetonique en position 7, 5, par un processus impliquant une catalyse basique generale dont la vitesse de laquelle est identique a celle de la reaction qui produit l'echange du groupe methyle en position 7. veffet isotopique cinetique pour l'oxydation du compose contenant un CD3 en position 7 est de 6.89 a 31.4". En-dessous du p H de 3.5, il y a coupure du cycle pyrazine; ceci s'effectue avec un petit effet isotopique et la vitesse est passablement plus rapide que celle observee pour l'echange du groupe mCthyle en position 7. I1 semble que trois routes peuvent conduire a ce produit: la premiere, une reaction independante du permanganate catalyske d'une maniere gtnerale par les acides; une seconde qui est aussi independante du permanganate et qui implique une hydratation du substrat; une troisieme est dependante du permanganate et implique une attaque du permanganate sur I'acide conjugue du substrat.On discute de l'utilite de l'oxydation comnle nlethode de determiner les sites d'hydratation dans les htttrocycles et on fait quelques commentaires sur le mecanisme de I'oxydation enzymatique de I'analogue ribityle de 1.[Traduit par le journal] Kinetics The reaction of 6,7,8-trimethyllurnazine, 1, with permanganate in unbuffered aqueous solution is extremely slow, except under strongly acidic or strongly basic conditions. The rate of the oxidation is dependent on p H and, at a given pH. is more rapid in buffered than in unbuffered solutions. Outside the region p H 1-6 the reaction in phosphate buffer ([Na,HPO,] = 0.1 M) is too rapid t...