Continuous Magnesium Hydroxide PrecipitationThe inain kinetic parameters of the precipitation proccss of niagnesiutn kiydioxitlf. froill ~iiagiicsiiiin nitrate have been determined. B y using gaseous arntiionia as prc.(.ipitatioii agent i n a 2096 stoichiometric excess and in a reactor residence period of 30-60 inin w t ' tlrtf.riiiined tht, total kinetic order of the process, which is 2.67. For a 50 t i i i n rcsitlence t i i i i c , , w t a tletertiiinctl the filtration and washing parariieters for the inagnesium hytlroxitle ohtaiiied froiii thP beginning of the precipitation process till a stationary state was reachrcl.
Es wurtlen die weseri tlichen kinetischen Parameter ties Fallungsprozesses