“…These bas ins ac com mo dated thick vol cano-sed i men tary suc ces sions of, dom i nantly, siliciclastic al lu vial de pos its in ter ca lated with mafic to silicic vol ca nic rocks dur ing the Car bon if er ous and Perm ian (e.g., Breitkreuz and Ken nedy, 1999;McCann et al, 2006;Breitkreuz et al, 2007;Timmerman, 2008;Awdankiewicz et al, 2014, and ref er ences cited there). The late-to post-collisional, wide spread and vo lu minous Permo-Car bon if er ous vol ca nism, to gether with co eval granitic plutonism, orig i nated due to orogenic delamination, man tle upwelling and melt ing, underplating of man tle melts, crustal anatexis, as well as ex ten sive dif fer en ti a tion of the man tle melts at shal low lithospheric lev els (Fin ger et al, 1997;Wil son et al, 2004;Ziegler and DÀzes, 2006;Mazur et al, 2007;Timmerman, 2008;Geiss ler et al, 2012;Oberc-Dziedzic et al, 2013a, b). The ba sin and range prov ince of south west ern North Amer ica is consid ered a mod ern an a logue of the Permo-Car bon if er ous vol canic prov ince of Eu rope (Lorenz and Nicholls, 1976;Menard and Molnar, 1988).…”