have also shown remarkable efficiency improvements from ≈10% in 2017 to the latest confirmed efficiency records of 18.2% and 18.1%, respectively. [1,2] Despite the progress, researchers [3][4][5][6][7][8] have argued that many reported efficiencies in journals are being incorrectly measured, which can lead to controversies in efficiency comparison, and damage the credibility and long-term development of this field. The most common cause of efficiency ambiguity is related to the electrical I-V measurement procedure. For conventional crystalline Si cells, a current-voltage (I-V) scan is usually carried out with short dwell times from milliseconds (hereafter termed "flash I-V") to seconds (hereafter termed "fast I-V"). It is a very robust method to extract device efficiencies for Si PV and has been included in the ASTM and IEC standards [9,10] for both PV cell and module performance measurements. However, adoption of this protocol for emerging PV technologies causes efficiency ambiguity due to variable forms of electrical behaviors, mostly relating to the I-V sweep setup (i.e., scan rate and direction) and preconditioning requirements like lightsoaking. [4][5][6][7][8] For instance, hysteresis behaviors in fast I-V scans are often seen in perovskite solar cells, as shown in Figure 1. The I-V curves differ between the forward and reverse scan directions and the degree of discrepancy typically varies with the scan rate and/or preconditioning. It is therefore difficult to conduct meaningful efficiency comparisons between different emerging PV device architectures using conventional fast I-V scans. What is more important is that these controversial performance results may sacrifice confidence on future emerging PV deployment in the renewable energy portfolio. Alternatively, measurement protocols that drive the cell to steady-state provide a reliable and reproducible way to calibrate efficiencies and help all interest groups set up benchmarks for performance comparison and technology advancement. A detailed discussion on the steady-state performance calibration protocol will be presented in Section 2.3 and is the main scope of this paper.Prior to discussing steady-state performance measurements and in the interest of providing a comprehensive calibration protocol for emerging PV, we also briefly discuss two important aspects of the performance measurement sequence: the area definition and the spectral response measurement. Poorly defined device areas [11,12] result in a common measurement error and are discussed in Section 2.1. Given the small sizes