We constructed and tested an airborne peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) monitoring system based on luminol chemiluminescence detection with fast gas chromatography. This system allowed for simultaneous measurement of PAN and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) with a time resolution of ⁄2 min. Actual sample masses within the fixed volume sample loop at various altitudes and temperatures were adjusted to standard atmosphere, using measured pressures and temperatures. The airborne PAN measurement system was evaluated during two field studies above the southern Korean Peninsula in August and October 2009. The detection limit based on the ISO approach was 0.035 ppbv PAN, well below the observed concentrations of 0.185-1.49 ppbv during these studies. Under these conditions, the PAN mixing ratios were positively correlated with O x (O x = =O 3 + +NO 2 ), with slopes varying between 0.014 and 0.033 and intercepts between 22.6 and 55.1 ppbv O x . The intercepts corresponded roughly to background O x mixing ratios in central Europe; however, the slopes were above the range of slopes reported in other studies. We also enhanced the durability, safety, and ease of maintenance of the PAN monitoring system by redesigning the structure of the conventional luminol cell.Key words: PAN, Airborne measurement, Luminol detection, Fast GC, Ozone
INTRODUCTIONPeroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) is one of a class of common air pollutants formed by the action of sunlight on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NO x ). PAN is also present in polluted atmospheres and has been suggested as an indicator of photochemical smog along with ozone (O 3 ). Unlike O 3 , PAN does not have abundant natural sources in the stratosphere (Stephens, 1969). PAN is produced only from VOCs whose oxidation leads to acetyl radicals in the presence of nitrogen oxides, whereas O 3 is formed through the oxidation of all VOCs. PAN and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) play major roles in the chemistry of the troposphere at urban, regional, and global scales (Singh, 1985). PAN is in equilibrium with NO 2 and the peroxyacetyl radical. This equilibrium is strongly temperature-dependent; PAN is more stable at colder temperature (Fischer and Nwankwoala, 1995;Roberts, 1990). At cold temperatures, PAN can act as an important transport mechanism for NO x and a source of remote NO 2 (Gaffney and Marley, 1993;Gaffney et al., 1989;Singh, 1987). Among its chemical properties, low solubility in water (Gaffney et al., 1984) and low OH reactivity (Talukdar et al., 1995) give PAN a long atmospheric lifetime. Therefore, both PAN and NO 2 are important atmospheric oxidants formed in the troposphere that affect air quality and can lead to global climate change (Gaffney and Marley, 1992). PAN has been measured using a variety of methods (Gaffney et al., 1989). The most widely used method is the electron capture detector (ECD). This method has detection limits in the tens of ppt and uses packed or capillary columns for the analysis (Roberts, 1990;Gaffney et al., 1989). However, many atmospheric ...