Repellers in dynamical systemsLet ft be a flow on a compact metric space X and M be a closed invariant subset of X.Theorem 1. If M is isolated then one of the following three alternatives hold. (a) M is an attractor. (b) M is a repeller.(c) M is a 'saddle': there exist x,y ~ M such that to(z) C M and a(y) C M.Remark. 'Attractor' stands here for the 'stable attractor' of [1, ch.V], or as used by Conley [5]. In case (b), when M is a repeller, there is a dual attractor which attracts all orbits in X \ M (see [5, ch.II.5]). Actually, we need only the following special case. Theorem 2. M is a repeller if and only if (1) M is isolated, and (2) W°(M) C M, so that no orbit from X \ M converges to M. Remark. For completeness we sketch the (simple) proof. Choose a compact isolating neighborhood U of M. w(x) of any z ~ M must meet X \ U if neither (1) nor (2) is violated. Then X \ U is a weakly attracting region for X \ M. Its forward invariant closure 7+(X \ U) is then still compact and contains an attractor for X \ M whose dual repeller is M. [Consult the 'weak attractor theorem' of [1, oh. V, 1.25] or, in a more modern and concise language, Conley [5,] (with reversed time) or Hutson's [15] Lemma 2.1 for details]. The general result, Theorem 1, follows immediately from Theorem 2 and its time reversal.