It is recognized that disclosure of these Practices is provided under the following conditions and warnings: (1) these Practices have been prepared for reference purposes only; (2) these Practices consist of or are based on estimates or assumptions made on a best-efforts basis, based upon present expectations; and (3) these Practices were prepared with existing information and are subject to change without notice.The user understands that DOE/NREL/ALLIANCE are not obligated to provide the user with any support, consulting, training or assistance of any kind with regard to the use of the Practices or to provide the user with any updates, revisions or new versions thereof. DOE, NREL, and ALLIANCE do not guarantee or endorse any results generated by use of the Practices, and user is entirely responsible for the results and any reliance on the results or the Practices in general.
PrefaceThis document was developed for the U.S. Department of Energy Uniform Methods Project (UMP). The UMP provides model protocols for determining energy and demand savings that result from specific energy-efficiency measures implemented through state and utility programs. In most cases, the measure protocols are based on a particular option identified by the International Performance Verification and Measurement Protocol; however, this work provides a more detailed approach to implementing that option. Each chapter is written by technical experts in collaboration with their peers, reviewed by industry experts, and subject to public review and comment. The protocols are updated on an as-needed basis.The UMP protocols can be used by utilities, program administrators, public utility commissions,