Consider a real Gaussian stationary process f ρ , indexed on either R or Z and admitting a spectral measure ρ. We study, the persistence exponent of f ρ . We show that, if ρ has a positive density at the origin, then the persistence exponent exists; moreover, if ρ has an absolutely continuous component, then θ ℓ ρ > 0 if and only if this spectral density at the origin is finite. We further establish continuity of θ ℓ ρ in ℓ, in ρ (under a suitable metric) and, if ρ is compactly supported, also in dense sampling. Analogous continuity properties are shown for ψ ℓ ρ = − lim, the ball exponent of f ρ , and it is shown to be positive if and only if ρ has an absolutely continuous component.