myofibroblast differentiation and wound contraction appeared to be advanced by 2-3 days. Recruitment of both neutrophils and macrophages was markedly reduced within treated wounds, concomitant with reduced leukocyte infiltration. In turn, mRNA levels of CC chemokine ligand 2 and TNF-␣ were reduced in the treated wound. These data suggest that, by reducing Cx43 protein with Cx43-specific antisense oligodeoxynucleotides at wound sites early in the skin healing process repair is enhanced, at least in part, by accelerating cell migration and proliferation, and by attenuating inflammation and the additional damage it can cause. Journal of Cell Science 5194 the wound and lay down collagen matrix. We observed a decrease in neutrophil infiltration and a concomitant reduction in CC chemokine ligand 2 (Ccl2) and cytokine tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF-␣) mRNA. Subsequently, we saw a reduced recruitment of macrophages perhaps as a consequence of damping down of the initial inflammatory response, which is known to have downstream effects on the ensuing healing process. Together these modified responses resulted in significantly improved wound healing.
ResultsDownregulation of Cx43 at wound sites with Cx43-asODN As previously reported, Cx43 was found to be predominantly expressed in the lower and middle spinous cell layers of the epidermis and in fibroblasts, blood vessels and dermal appendages of intact skin. Six hours after the injury Cx43 was expressed in hyperproliferative epidermis but began to be downregulated in the leading edge keratinocytes (Goliger and Paul, 1995;Coutinho et al., 2003). Delivery of Cx43-asODN from the time of injury markedly reduced protein levels of Cx43 in the epidermis and dermis within 2 hours of treatment (as revealed by immunohistochemistry) (Qiu et al., 2003). Such a rapid knockdown is possible because Cx43 protein is turned over rapidly, sometimes within 1.5-2 hours (Laird et al., 1991; Gaitta et al., 2002). To quantify the extent of Cx43 protein and mRNA knockdown and recovery after asODN treatment more precisely, we compared expression levels of Cx43 mRNA at treated and untreated wound sites by real-time PCR (RT-PCR; Fig. 1). One day after injury, expression of Cx43 mRNA at Cx43-asODN-treated wounds was significantly reduced by comparison with control sODN-treated wounds (2.95 versus 4.7 units, respectively, a 37% reduction; P<0.05). By 7 days after the injury, however, expression levels were similar in the two wound regimes (4.6 versus 5.2 units for asODN-and control sODN-treated, respectively). Immunostaining of wounds for Cx43 at 1 day, 2 days and 7 days after wounding revealed very low levels of Cx43 protein in the epidermis and dermis of the Cx43-asODN-treated wound edge at day 1 compared with controls ( Fig. 1). By day 2, some Cx43 staining had returned to the dermis of the Cx43-asODN-treated wound but the level was still very low in the epidermis. By day 7, in agreement with the RT-PCR findings, there was no obvious difference in Cx43 staining between treated and untreated wounds. T...