We investigate the persistent current in a hybrid Aharonov-Bohm ring-quantum-dot system coupled to a reservoir which provides spin fluctuations. It is shown that the spin exchange interaction between the quantum dot and the reservoir induces dephasing in the absence of direct charge transfer. We demonstrate an anomalous nature of this spin-fluctuation-induced dephasing which tends to enhance the persistent current. We explain our result in terms of the separation of the spin and the charge degrees of freedom. The nature of the spinfluctuation-induced dephasing is analyzed in detail. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.075312 PACS number͑s͒: 73.23.Ra, 72.15.Qm, 73.23.Hk Persistent current ͑PC͒ in a mesoscopic Aharonov-Bohm ͑AB͒ ring is an ideal probe of the quantum coherence of electron motion in the equilibrium state. 1 Usually the PC is likely to be suppressed by various dephasing processes. The role of intrinsic dephasing at low temperature has not been well understood until now. 2 An alternative viewpoint to this is to introduce an artificial dephasor, in order to study the effect of decoherence in a controlled manner. 3 A conceptually simple but instructive example for that purpose is an AB ring attached to an electron reservoir which exchanges charges with the ring. 4 In the reservoir electrons are scattered inelastically and there is no phase coherence between electrons absorbed and those emitted by the reservoir. Therefore charge transfer between the ring and reservoir diminishes the coherence and thus the AB oscillation. On the other hand, the effect of spin exchange interactions on the PC has been attracting growing interest in recent years. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11] It has been proposed that the spin fluctuation affects the PC in a drastically different manner compared to the case of charge fluctuation. [6][7][8]12 Experimentally, the role of coherent spin fluctuation has been investigated by transport measurements using an AB interferometer setup. 15,16 In this paper, we address the effect of dephasing induced by spin fluctuations. For this purpose we consider the geometry schematically drawn in Fig. 1, where the spin fluctuation between the ring and reservoir is mediated via antiferromagnetic exchange interactions with the quantum dot ͑QD͒, while direct charge transfer is prohibited by the Coulomb blockade. We find a counterintuitive result that the dephasing tends to enhance the PC rather than to reduce it in this geometry. We argue that this enhancement can be regarded as a signature of the separation of the spin and charge degrees of freedom. Our geometry can be realized in the experiment, for, e.g., by using a two-dimensional electrons gas ͑2DEG͒ system combined with nanofabrication. Actually, a persistent current setup containing an external reservoir ͑without quantum dot͒ was realized in some previous experiments. 17,18 Our model is described by the Hamiltonianwhere H 0 , H R , and T stand for the hybrid dot-ring system, reservoir, and tunneling between the QD and reservoir, respectively. H 0 is decompo...