“…The first were Habib et al [9]. They werefollowedbyotherresearchers:Aaronset al [10], Langet al [11],Lamprechtet al [12],Lemminket al [13],Pigneraset al [14],andothers [15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24].Itwasestablishedthatboth diseases are accompanied by mutations in the CO-L4A3/COL4A4genes.However,basedontheavailable results of the research on the mutations in the COL4A3/COL4A4genes,nocleardiagnosticcriteria could be defined in order to distinguish thin basementmembranedisease,autosomaldominantAlport syndromeandautosomalrecessiveAlportsyndrome. Ofdiagnosticimportanceisthelackofreactionwith anti chains α3, α4 and α5 collagen type IV in the basementmembranesofrenalglomeruliandtubules (and the lack of reaction from the anti-α5 chain in theskin).…”