“…As previously discussed, the venous return from the PLSVC drains into the left atrium in approximately 10% to 20% of cases [43,44,111]. This particular venous drainage pattern of PLSVC that results in venous return to the left atrium [34,40,43,44,65,81,92,98,100,111,113], as well as any other cardiac anomaly which results in right-to-left cardiac shunting, places those patients at a significant risk for subsequent paradoxical embolic complications to the arterial system, either from thromboemboli or air emboli, with resultant neurologic, cardiac, renal, mesenteric, and/or peripheral sequelae [34,40,44,65,81,92,98,100,111,113,135,136]. Therefore, it is essential that one fully characterizes, by venous imaging, the pattern of cardiac venous return (i.e., to the right atrium or to the left atrium) in any patient suspected of PLSVC at central venous access device placement prior to initiation of use of their central venous access device.…”