SummaryChagas disease is estimated to affect 8 million people worldwide and is responsible for approximately 10,000 deaths in Latin America every year [1]. Control of the triatomine bugs that transmit the flagellated parasite Trypanosoma cruzi has been the most successful strategy to avoid disease spread. Genes containing small open reading frames (smORFs, < 100 amino acids) constitute a putative reservoir of new vector control targets, since hundreds of these genes are present in insect genomes [2]. Here, we show that the prototypic smORF-containing gene mille-pattes/polished-rice/tarsalless (mlpt/pri/tal) [3-6] is essential for postembryonic development of the kissing bug Rhodnius prolixus and for T. cruzi metacyclogenesis during the nymphal stages. Injection of double-stranded RNA against mlpt (Rp-dsmlpt) during the nymphal stages leads to a plethora of phenotypes, which impair postembryonic development. First, fourth or fifth stage nymphs injected with Rp-dsmlpt do not moult even in the presence of the ecdysone receptor (EcR) mRNA. Second, Rp-dsmlpt nymphs have defects in gut morphology, delayed haemoglobin digestion, and decreased defecation volume compared with those of the control nymphs. Third, Rp-mlpt knockdown inhibits T. cruzi differentiation to the trypomastigote infective stage (metacyclogenesis) inside the R. prolixus gut. Overall, our study is the first to provide evidence that a smORF-containing gene regulates vector physiology and parasitic cycle thus enabling the development of novel molecular strategies to eliminate Chagas disease transmission.