Analytics in the educational context (Academic Analytics / Learning Analytics) involves an analytical procedure that aims to potentially improve the teaching/learning process by collecting, analyzing, and creating visualizations of data from educational processes and/or students. During the process, students' and teachers' data and metadata are stored, shared, transformed, and used at the discretion of educational institutions and third-party services, a treatment that may be against the students' interests or will.Without proper control or management, the privacy, confidentiality, and security of students' data are exposed on a daily basis, which is a particularly delicate issue when it comes to underage students. Therefore, the use of analytics in education generates an environment of mistrust regarding the processing of data of the persons involved.As a result of the above, there is a serious problem of fragility, or lack of maturity in the state of the question, concerning the protection of personal data and student identity in educational processes where educational analytical procedures intervene. As the results of this research will demonstrate, there is low protection of privacy, confidentiality, and data security in digital repositories, affecting not only the use, but also the transfer and custody of student-generated data.It should be noted that the terms of use and privacy, policies impose conditions that students and teachers must validate to use the service. However, during the use of the service, it is often not clear to students, teachers, or institutions where the limits of data use, access, management, or processing lie. Data protection laws grant several rights that can be exercised by students and teachers, even in exceptional and personal situations. These rights offer a margin of autonomy in the configuration of profiles, which learning platforms must consider as functionalities by design and by default. In the research carried out, it is easy to find examples of the shortcomings in the current platforms.This thesis focuses on an analytical investigation of the state of the matter, with the main objective of proposing solutions to resolve this fragile situation in the processing