Abstract. Design Patterns are a format to capture the knowledge about successful solutions to recurring design problems in a uniform, interconnected, and easily understood way. The format originated in urban architecture, but has made its way into software engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This makes them an ideal format to provide guidelines for the design of Augmented Environments, which requires a highly interdisciplinary team to collaborate.The author, who published the original book on HCI design patterns, has worked on Augmented Environments since 1995. He has captured his experience in designing such environments within the patterns presented here. The chapter first introduces the design pattern format, gives practical tips for reading and writing design patterns, and presents the Augmented Environments from which the patterns in this chapter were distilled. The main part of this chapter then consists of the collection of design patterns for Augmented Environments. These patterns provide practical guidance on how to create an Augmented Environment, with a focus on architectural, interior design, software infrastructure, and user interface considerations. The chapter includes nineteen such patterns connected into a network, as well as suggestions for additional patterns.