RESEARCH on the basic qualities, characteristics, and needs of individuals and groups as related to counseling and guidance which has appeared during the three-year period of this review is summarized in this chapter. Over 300 bibliographical items were examined. It is hoped that the resultant bibliography is a representative sample. To conserve space many items listed are not discussed in the text; the bibliography is composed almost exclusively of reports with new data. In some cases an entire series of excellent papers is represented only by a recent number. Examples of the latter are the series on handedness by Hildreth (37) and the case analyses by Wells (97).
Physical Growth, Physique, Motor FunctionData on both the longitudinal and cross-sectional variety have appeared. Jones and Bayley (47) contrasted some early and late maturing adolescent boys and found that the former showed maturity in emotional and social characteristics while the latter revealed many evidences of immaturity, often with psychologically compensating mechanisms. With similar data Jones (46) and Nevers (62) made longitudinal studies of strength development, associating it with pubertal and other factors. Early maturers were stronger and superior in athletics. In girls there appeared some arrest in strength development with the completion of puberty while boys continued to advance in strength thru the teens.Meredith (55) presented evidence that first-born are smaller at birth. Data for later infancy and up to at least 14 years indicate that at these ages the first-born become taller tho not heavier. Beal (10) found some growth deficiency in diabetic children. The menarche and the nature of the menstrual cycle were studied in Mooseheart girls by Reymert and Jost (73). Reynolds and Schoen (74) reported on identical triplet boys followed from ages two to 18. Burks and Roe (15) presented evidence regarding four pairs of identical twins separately reared and found no new conclusive evidence favoring a nurture or nature thesis. Sheldon and others (77) produced the third volume of their series, relating somatypes to psychiatric and criminal applications.Data for health, disease, mortality, and other aspects of physical welfare in Negroes have been analyzed from census reports (28). Two studies of infants merit attention. Balint (7) examined sucking phenomena in 75 at Bobst Library, New York University on June 12, 2015 Downloaded from
Vol. XXI, No. 2infants while Kunst (51) made a detailed study of the frequency and occasions of thumb-and finger-sucking, showing their relation to hunger state, food intake, and other factors.The most celebrated research in the three-year period is probably the extensive report on sexual behavior in males, by Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin (48). Data based on interviews and histories were sorted by age, marital state, socio-economic status, religion, and other factors. The interrelation of factors with emergence and development of sexual outlets was presented in gre...