Pro-social behaviour has an economic foundation. Income rate, social discount rates, incentives and welfare motives force agents to act pro-socially. Pro-social behaviour is realized through the institution of social responsibility, which includes non-market coordination mechanism, altruism, social capital and trust. The nature of the institute of social responsibility and its components are described in the first part of the paper. The second part describes the conditions that promote pro-social behaviour and reflect the main features of the institute of social responsibility. In the third part we tested the hypothesis of the second part on the basis of a comparative analysis of pro-social behaviour in Russia and OECD countries. In the fourth part we summed up the conclusions of the study. The study found a direct connection between the pro-social behaviour, the level of trust, volunteer and charitable activities. For empirical testing of theoretical hypotheses we use sociological surveys data of WVS (2010WVS ( -2014, ESS (2012). In this paper we evaluated the pro-social behaviour in Russia in comparison with OECD countries. We used the following indicators: positive expectations for the future, trust, participation in volunteer activities and charity. We found that pro-social activity is poorly implemented in Russia. The low level of per capita income, low level of interpersonal trust, weak development of volunteer and charitable activities and pessimistic expectations of the future -these are the key factors that reduce pro-social activity in Russia.© 2016 Published by Future Academy Keywords: pro-social behaviour, social capital, social responsibility, Russia.
IntroductionPro-social behavior at market economy is one of the most theoretically discussing issues. Some mainstream researchers argued that an economic agent behaves himself rationally. Namely, in daily activities, making decisions, and he seeks to maximize his own utility, regardless of the social context. It is well-known principle of methodological individualism. Autonomous economic agents and their activities in the short term became an object of analyses. This is dominant point of view in modern economics.However there are a lot of studies and empirical results in modern experimental and behavioral economics in the last 10 years. In these studies researchers find stable pro-social preferences of economic agents. These studies were carried out on the basis of the game theory and economic psychology. Also sociological and institutional economics researches play a significant role, due to the fact that significant pro-social behavior factors are based on the social norms and institutions.The influence of social norms on the economic agents behavior is presented in (Fehr, 2004;Ehrlich, 2005;Dufwenberg, 2001; Norms, 2010). The pro-social behavioral models, based on the game theory described in (Binmore, 2010;Bandiera, 2005;Bowles, 2008;Schmidt, 2011;Brandts, 2010; Dreber, 2014;Fehr, 2007;Bohnet, 1999;Brodbeck, 2013). ...