Outplacement firms developed in response to corporate downsizings to assist former upper-level employees in seeking reemployment. An important question for practitioners who assist clients in outplacement is how the personal characteristics that clients bring to the situation influence their success in finding a new job. The present archival study examined demographic variables, previous job history, and personality characteristics as predictors of outplacement outcomes. Outplacement duration was predicted by previous income, and new earnings were predicted by previous earnings, sex, and years with previous employer. The need for prospective, longitudinal research that examines the coping process in outplacement is discussed.An important question for practitioners who assist clients in job searching and outplacement is how the personal characteristics that clients bring to the situation influence their success in finding a newjob. These personal characteristics include prior employment history as well as social, demographic, and personality factors.Outplacement firms developed in response to corporate downsizings and the resulting unemployment of upper-level employees. Nearly 40% of the 1,200 largerevenue companies responding to a recent American Marketing Association survey reported that they had cut jobs in 3 or more years since 1990. The same companies estimated that about a third of the positions cut in the past year alone were managerial-level positions (Jackson, 1997). Many corpora-tions commission outplacement firms to assist their former upper-level employees in seeking reemployment.Outplacement firms offer a variety of services to their clients. They provide information on potential employment options, assistance in developing job search strategies, instruction in job seeking and interviewing skills, and facilities for conducting the job search, including an appropriate business address, resume preparation, and secretarial services. Other services may include being present and providing support when the cli-