“…When comparing the description of the South African police trainees to university students of a similar age from the same region based on Temperament and Character Inventory scores, the police trainees' temperament appeared to be very similar to traits reported from police officers from the USA, the U.K., and Spain, except for the high impulsivity reported in U.K. police officers (Hogan & Kurtines, 1975;Gudjonsson & Adlam, 1983;Cooper, Robertson, & Sharman, 1986;Hargrave & Hiatt, 1989;Eber, 1991;Lorr & Strack, 1994;Gomà-i-Freixanet & Wismeijer, 2002). The police trainees described themselves as curious and excitable but slow tempered, reflective, and systematic (Novelty Seeking, partly corresponding to adventurousness), and not shy with strangers, carefree, relaxed, outgoing, confident, calm, and energetic (Harm Avoidance, partly corresponding to low depression and anxiety, extraversion).…”