A standard management soil priming effect is short term. A current soil plowing, irrigation and waste utilization soil priming action shortcomings elimination is needed. The Biogeosystem Technique (BGT*) priming action system was developed for soil management to provide a higher‐level priming effect. The BGT* is focused on a soil biogeochemical cycle activation similar to the biodegradation in a colon of a live organism as an efficient benchmark bioreactor. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed a cooperation of bacteria within polymicrobial biofilms and a probability of the polymicrobial biofilms biodegradation process acceleration and soil organic matter (SOM) regime improvement. The soil priming actions the BGT* technological management is capable of providing are based on the BGT* constituents, whose essence, applications and corresponding detailed data are presented in available studies. The main BGT* components are as follows. The illuvial horizon intra‐soil milling artificial soil aggregation (a form of crumbling and mixing) priming action provides the soil structuring, a SOM content increase and an annual yield increment direct priming effects. A long‐term secondary priming effect is a technology life cycle with higher profitability compared to the standard moldboard, chiseling and three‐tier plowing. The intra‐soil pulse sequential‐discrete watering priming action is performed through water injection into the soil in sequence. A next water spreading provides the soil aggregate stability, the seedling length and weight increment direct priming effect and a water‐saving secondary priming effect. The intra‐soil dispersed liquid, paste‐like and loose granular nutrition and structuring matter intra‐soil milling application priming action ensures soil structuring direct priming effects, heavy metals passivation and long‐term yield increment secondary priming effects. The BGT* methodology could be useful for soil management improvement.