Shape-from-Shading (SfS) is a fundamental problem in Computer Vision. At its basis lies the image irradiance equation. Recently, the authors proposed to base the image irradiance equation on the assumption of perspective projection rather than the common orthographic one. The current paper presents a greatly-improved reconstruction method based on the perspective formulation. The proposed model is solved efficiently via a modification of the Fast Marching method of Kimmel and Sethian. We compare the two versions of the Fast Marching method (orthographic vs. perspective) on medical images. The perspective algorithm outperformed the orthographic one. This shows that the more realistic hypothesis of perspective projection improves reconstruction significantly. The comparison also demonstrates the usability of perspective SfS for real-life applications such as medical endoscopy.
. IntroductionRecovery of Shape-from-Shading (SfS) is a fundamental problem in Computer Vision. Its goal is to solve the image irradiance equation, which relates the reflectance map to image intensity, in a robust way. As this task is nontrivial, most of the works in the field employ simplifying assumptions. It is particularly common to presuppose that projection of scene points during a photographic process is orthographic. This resulted in low stability of reconstruction algorithms.Many The majority of the few works that did employ the perspective projection have been too restrictive and have not addressed the general problem. [22] and [19] assumed that distance variations between camera and surface could be ignored.[18] employed a deformable model for the SfS problem, so reconstruction took place in 3D space. Thus, during the deformation process, the image point onto which a 3D point was projected changed, and its new location should have been interpolated, resulting in a nonuniform sampling of the image.Another approach to perspective SfS is piecewise planar modelling of the depth function ([10], [12]). However, orthographic and perspective reflectance maps of a plane are identical (see [20]). Therefore, the two types of projection of a piecewise planar surface differ only at the edges, while fully agree at the interior of faces.Okatani and Deguchi [11] proposed perspective SfS for reconstruction of endoscopic images. Their lighting model assumes the location of a point light source is identical to that of the camera, so the directions of lighting and projection unite at all points. This model was solved using level sets.Lately, [23] suggested the use of perspective SfS with the Fast Marching method of [7]. This work approximated surface normals in 3D space using the neighboring pixels of the point under examination. Into these approximations the equations of perspective projection were substituted. This approach suffers two drawbacks. First, is describes a specific numerical approximation without reference to the theoretic problem (i.e., the image irradiance equation itself). Second and most importantly, neighboring pixels lie o...