The manuscript analyzes the administrative and legal consequences of the spread of a new coronavirus infection, both in the Russian Federation and abroad. After the detection of coronavirus infection, the leaders of the legislative bodies of many countries began to actively draft and adopt regulations aimed at preventing the spread of the new disease. Not only restrictive acts were adopted, but also penalties for violation of these measures, up to and including criminal prosecution. The article discusses the main directions of improving Russian legislation in the field of restricting the right of citizens to move during the period of introduction of increased security measures or a state of emergency (situation). The issue under consideration is essentially of high relevance and legal significance. The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. Currently, there are a huge number of lawsuits on the fact of illegal restriction of freedom during the active phase of the spread of coronavirus infection in the courts of the Russian Federation and in other foreign countries. To clarify the goals set, it is necessary to adopt primary normative acts establishing the right of regions to restrict the movement of citizens. The authors have made an attempt to interpret the existing federal and regional regulatory legal acts, as well as regulatory legal acts of foreign countries. Extraordinary proposals aimed at improving the administrative and legal regulation of restricting the rights of citizens to free movement in the territory of the Russian Federation have been put forward.