Students who enter the school at the kindergarten level, commonly referred to as kindergarten, are at the stage where, at their current age, they can already use their ability to distinguish and remember in a tangible form. However, the problem is the need for language skills seen in some children who need help solving number problems. Teachers must choose a strategy for learning, especially mathematics. This study aims to improve the ability to introduce numbers through PDKT assisted by number card games in the children's group at TK 'Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 14 Samarinda. The type of research used was carried out collaboratively between researchers and classroom teachers and used qualitative and quantitative analysis. The method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with an observation approach. The research subjects were children aged 4-5 years consisting of 9 boys and six girls with six of 15 children. The results showed a significant change from cycle 1 to cycle two after improving learning by adding exciting media and fun and creative teacher strategies.