In the external field approximation (EFA) gravity and inertia are represented by a two-point vector that is the byproduct of symmetry breaking. The vector is accompanied by the appearance of classical, vortical structures. Its interaction range is, in general, that of the metric tensor, but, in the context of a simple symmetry breaking model, the range can be made finite by the presence of massive scalar particles. Vortices can then be produced that conceal matter making it effectively "dark". In EFA fermion relativistic vortices can be induced, in particular, by rotation.
THE EXTERNAL FIELD APPROXIMATIONSymmetry breaking in quantum many-body systems gives rise to macroscopic objects like vortices in superconductors, dislocations in crystals and domain walls in ferromagnets. These structures normally appear in a quantum context, but behave classically. They are properties of matter, in the form other than particles, that emerge from a quantum background when quantum fluctuations become negligible. Here we consider the possibility that similar phenomena occur in quantum gravity, still far from the essential quantum regime that is supposed to take over at Planck's length. The suggestion comes from studies of covariant wave equations [1-5] that can be solved exactly to first order in the metric deviation γ µν = g µν − η µν , where η µν is the Minkowski metric and whose solutions are a useful tool in the study of the interaction of gravity with quantum systems [6][7][8][9][10][11][12].In the EFA context, gravity is represented exclusively by a two-point vector K λ (z, x) [13,14] that is known only if γ µν and its derivatives are known. In what follows the coordinates z µ refer to a frame that is moved by parallel displacement along a particle path and x µ to a particle local inertial frame. Though the essential steps of the discussion apply to any wave equation, spin is an unnecessary complication and is momentarily ignored. A brief discussion of fermions is given in section 4. Without loss of generality, we can therefore consider the Klein-Gordon equation that, in its minimal coupling form and after applying the Lanczos-DeDonder condition γ αν , ν −1/2γ σ σ , α = 0, becomes(1)We use unitsh = c = 1 and the notations are as in [12]. In particular, ∇ µ is the covariant derivative and partial derivatives with respect to a variable y µ are interchangeably indicated by ∂ µ , or by a comma followed by µ. The first order solution of (1) iswhereΦ G is the operatorΦwhere P is an arbitrary point, henceforth dropped, and φ 0 (x) is a wave packet solution of the free Klein-Gordon equationThe transformation (2) that makes the ground state of the system space-time dependent, results in a breakdown of symmetry. This is essentially produced by EFA because it is this approximation that generates the solution (2) and preserves its structure even at higher order iterations according to the relation φ(x) = Σ n φ (n) (x) = Σ n e −iΦG φ (n−1) . For simplicity we choose a plane wave for φ 0 . We also writeΦ G (x)φ 0 (x) ≡ Φ G (x)φ 0 (x) wh...